Title : The human pancreatic lipase-encoding gene: structure and conservation of an Alu sequence in the lipase gene family - Sims_1993_Gene_131_281 |
Author(s) : Sims HF , Jennens ML , Lowe ME |
Ref : Gene , 131 :281 , 1993 |
Abstract :
The isolation and characterization of the human gene (hPL) encoding pancreatic lipase is reported. The gene has 13 exons dispersed in about 20 kb of genomic DNA. A pseudogene of hPL was also partially characterized. An Alu sequence is conserved in the homologous introns of hPL and the lipoprotein lipase-encoding gene. |
PubMedSearch : Sims_1993_Gene_131_281 |
PubMedID: 8406023 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-PNLIP |
Gene_locus | human-PNLIP |
Sims HF, Jennens ML, Lowe ME (1993)
The human pancreatic lipase-encoding gene: structure and conservation of an Alu sequence in the lipase gene family
131 :281
Sims HF, Jennens ML, Lowe ME (1993)
131 :281