

Title : Coated vesicle morphology and sub-populations at the neuromuscular junction - Smith_1984_Brain.Res_299_383
Author(s) : Smith JE , Smith DO
Ref : Brain Research , 299 :383 , 1984
Abstract :

Serial sections of frog cutaneous pectoris neuromuscular junctions were examined to determine if isolated coated vesicles in one section are connected to infoldings of the presynaptic membrane in adjacent sections or are truly pinched off from the plasmalemma. Twenty percent of the coated vesicles examined serially were isolated from plasmalemma. In addition, two populations of coated vesicles were observed: those the size of synaptic vesicles and a smaller population (8% of total) of larger diameter (100 nm).

PubMedSearch : Smith_1984_Brain.Res_299_383
PubMedID: 6610457

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Citations formats

Smith JE, Smith DO (1984)
Coated vesicle morphology and sub-populations at the neuromuscular junction
Brain Research 299 :383

Smith JE, Smith DO (1984)
Brain Research 299 :383