

Title : Fresh frozen plasma and edrophonium in a patient with a plasma cholinesterase deficiency - Smith_1993_Anaesthesia_48_511
Author(s) : Smith DC , Ridley SA , Donaldson KF
Ref : Anaesthesia , 48 :511 , 1993
Abstract :

A 35-year-old woman undergoing laparoscopic sterilisation developed prolonged apnoea after suxamethonium. Fresh frozen plasma was given to replenish plasma cholinesterase, but recovery of neuromuscular transmission was not accelerated. Routine use of quantitative neuromuscular monitoring simplified her postoperative management.

PubMedSearch : Smith_1993_Anaesthesia_48_511
PubMedID: 8391759

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Smith DC, Ridley SA, Donaldson KF (1993)
Fresh frozen plasma and edrophonium in a patient with a plasma cholinesterase deficiency
Anaesthesia 48 :511

Smith DC, Ridley SA, Donaldson KF (1993)
Anaesthesia 48 :511