

Title : Design of Multi-Target drugs of HDACs and other Anti-Alzheimer related Targets: Current strategies and future prospects in Alzheimer's diseases therapy - Soltan_2024_Bioorg.Chem_151_107651
Author(s) : Soltan OM , Abdelrahman KS , Bass AKA , Takizawa K , Narumi A , Konno H
Ref : Bioorg Chem , 151 :107651 , 2024
Abstract :

Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most prevalent form of dementia that develops spontaneously in the elderly. It's worth mentioning that as people age, the epigenetic profile of the central nervous system cells changes, which may speed up the development of various neurodegenerative disorders including AD. Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are a class of epigenetic enzymes that can control gene expression without altering the gene sequence. Moreover, a promising strategy for multi-target hybrid design was proposed to potentially improve drug efficacy and reduce side effects. These hybrids are monocular drugs that contain various pharmacophore components and have the ability to bind to different targets at the same time. The HDACs ability to synergistically boost the performance of other anti-AD drugs, as well as the ease with which HDACs inhibitor cap group, can be modified. This has prompted numerous medicinal chemists to design a novel generation of HDACs multi-target inhibitors. Different HDACs inhibitors and other ones such as acetylcholinesterase, butyryl-cholinesterase, phosphodiesterase 9, phosphodiesterase 5 or glycogen synthase kinase 3beta inhibitors were merged into hybrids for treatment of AD. This review goes over the scientific rationale for targeting HDACs along with several other crucial targets in AD therapy. This review presents the latest hybrids of HDACs and other AD target pharmacophores.

PubMedSearch : Soltan_2024_Bioorg.Chem_151_107651
PubMedID: 39029320

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Soltan OM, Abdelrahman KS, Bass AKA, Takizawa K, Narumi A, Konno H (2024)
Design of Multi-Target drugs of HDACs and other Anti-Alzheimer related Targets: Current strategies and future prospects in Alzheimer's diseases therapy
Bioorg Chem 151 :107651

Soltan OM, Abdelrahman KS, Bass AKA, Takizawa K, Narumi A, Konno H (2024)
Bioorg Chem 151 :107651