

Title : Editorial: New Trends in Connectomics - Sporns_2018_Netw.Neurosci_2_125
Author(s) : Sporns O , Bassett DS
Ref : Netw Neurosci , 2 :125 , 2018
Abstract :

Connectomics is an integral part of network neuroscience. The field has undergone rapid expansion over recent years and increasingly involves a blend of experimental and computational approaches to brain connectivity. This Focus Feature on "New Trends in Connectomics" aims to track the progress of the field and its many applications across different neurobiological systems and species.

PubMedSearch : Sporns_2018_Netw.Neurosci_2_125
PubMedID: 30215029

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Citations formats

Sporns O, Bassett DS (2018)
Editorial: New Trends in Connectomics
Netw Neurosci 2 :125

Sporns O, Bassett DS (2018)
Netw Neurosci 2 :125