Title : A three month-old infant with severe hyperchylomicronemia: Molecular diagnosis and extracorporeal treatment - Stefanutti_2013_Atheroscler.Suppl_14_73 |
Author(s) : Stefanutti C , Gozzer M , Pisciotta L , D'Eufemia P , Bosco G , Morozzi C , Papadia F , Shafii M , Di Giacomo S , Bertolini S |
Ref : Atheroscler Suppl , 14 :73 , 2013 |
Abstract :
OBJECTIVE: Chylomicronemia syndrome presenting in childhood is a rare recessive disorder due to mutations of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and more rarely of APOC2, APOA5, GPIHBP1 or LMF1 genes. It often requires urgent and suitable treatment to avoid acute pancreatitis. The aim of this study was the molecular characterization and treatment of a 3 month-old infant with plasma triglycerides (TG) > 300 mmol/L. |
PubMedSearch : Stefanutti_2013_Atheroscler.Suppl_14_73 |
PubMedID: 23357145 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LPL |
Mutation | G81D_human-LPL |
Gene_locus | human-LPL |
Disease | Hyperlipoproteinemia TypeI |
Stefanutti C, Gozzer M, Pisciotta L, D'Eufemia P, Bosco G, Morozzi C, Papadia F, Shafii M, Di Giacomo S, Bertolini S (2013)
A three month-old infant with severe hyperchylomicronemia: Molecular diagnosis and extracorporeal treatment
Atheroscler Suppl
14 :73
Stefanutti C, Gozzer M, Pisciotta L, D'Eufemia P, Bosco G, Morozzi C, Papadia F, Shafii M, Di Giacomo S, Bertolini S (2013)
Atheroscler Suppl
14 :73