

Title : Linking molecular motors to Alzheimers disease - Stokin_2006_J.Physiol.Paris_99_193
Author(s) : Stokin GB , Goldstein LSB
Ref : Journal de Physiologie (Paris) , 99 :193 , 2006
Abstract :

It is currently thought that Alzheimers disease develops due to aberrant generation of amyloid-beta peptides. However, the mechanisms underlying the aberrant generation of amyloid-beta peptides remain unknown. An emerging concept suggests that impaired axonal transport may play a pivotal role in the aberrant generation of amyloid-beta peptides. Here we review and discuss advances in understanding AD with the primary focus on the possible role of molecular motors and axonal transport in its pathogenesis.

PubMedSearch : Stokin_2006_J.Physiol.Paris_99_193
PubMedID: 16459060

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Stokin GB, Goldstein LSB (2006)
Linking molecular motors to Alzheimers disease
Journal de Physiologie (Paris) 99 :193

Stokin GB, Goldstein LSB (2006)
Journal de Physiologie (Paris) 99 :193