

Title : Functional blockade of neuronal acetylcholine receptors by antisera to a putative receptor from brain - Stollberg_1986_Brain.Res_378_179
Author(s) : Stollberg J , Whiting PJ , Lindstrom JM , Berg DK
Ref : Brain Research , 378 :179 , 1986
Abstract :

Antisera to a putative acetylcholine receptor purified from chick brain specifically inhibit the acetylcholine response of chick ciliary ganglion neurons in cell culture. The putative brain receptor and a similar membrane component previously identified on ciliary ganglion neurons appear to be functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nervous system and are clearly distinct from membrane components in the tissues that bind alpha-bungarotoxin.

PubMedSearch : Stollberg_1986_Brain.Res_378_179
PubMedID: 3742198

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Stollberg J, Whiting PJ, Lindstrom JM, Berg DK (1986)
Functional blockade of neuronal acetylcholine receptors by antisera to a putative receptor from brain
Brain Research 378 :179

Stollberg J, Whiting PJ, Lindstrom JM, Berg DK (1986)
Brain Research 378 :179