

Title : Apolipoprotein E may be a critical factor in hormone therapy neuroprotection - Struble_2008_Front.Biosci_13_5387
Author(s) : Struble RG , Cady C , Nathan BP , McAsey M
Ref : Front Biosci , 13 :5387 , 2008
Abstract :

In this review we examine the evidence for ovarian hormone neuroprotection in chronic neurological diseases, including stroke. We propose that neuroprotection may involve the ability of estrogens to modulate apolipoprotein E (apoE) and its receptor, the low density lipoprotein receptor related protein (LRP). Results from numerous studies have demonstrated that (1) nerve regeneration is severely delayed in apoE-gene knockout (KO) mice as compared to wild-type (WT) littermates; (2) 17beta estradiol replacement in ovariectomized mice resulted in a significant increase in levels of apoE and LRP, in the olfactory bulb (OB) and other brain areas; (3) estradiol treatment increased both apoE and neurite outgrowth in cortical and olfactory neuronal cultures; and (4) estradiol treatment had no effect on neurite outgrowth in cultures deprived of apoE or in the presence of apoE4. In essence these studies suggest that apoE is a critical intermediary for the beneficial effects of 17beta estradiol on nerve repair, which can lead to functional reorganization (plasticity). Future studies of HT should evaluate the effects of apoE genotype and production estradiol on neuroprotection.

PubMedSearch : Struble_2008_Front.Biosci_13_5387
PubMedID: 18508594

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Struble RG, Cady C, Nathan BP, McAsey M (2008)
Apolipoprotein E may be a critical factor in hormone therapy neuroprotection
Front Biosci 13 :5387

Struble RG, Cady C, Nathan BP, McAsey M (2008)
Front Biosci 13 :5387