

Title : Case Report: Progressive Cholestasis: Severe Phenotype of MEGDEL Syndrome With SATB2-Associated Syndrome - Su_2021_Front.Pediatr_9_713458
Author(s) : Su Y , Zhang H , Wang H , Wu B , Yang J , Zhou W , Li L
Ref : Front Pediatr , 9 :713458 , 2021
Abstract :

MEGDEL syndrome and SATB2-associated syndrome (SAS) are both rare congenital disorders with poor prognoses caused by gene mutations. We present the case of a 2-day-old girl with an unexplained abnormal liver function, feeding problem, and dystonia. Using next-generation sequencing, we identified two novel mutations in SERAC1 and a mutation in SATB2. Now, she is 15 months old and has the characteristics of SAS, such as downslanting palpebral fissures and delayed primary dentition. Besides the typical phenotypes of MEGDEL syndrome, such as hypertonia, failure to thrive, deafness, and motor regression, she has progressive cholestasis and is prone to high serum lactate after rehabilitation training and hypoglycemia with low ketone under starving conditions. These phenotypes substantially differ from the transient liver function abnormalities and hypoglycemia reported in the literature.

PubMedSearch : Su_2021_Front.Pediatr_9_713458
PubMedID: 34660482
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-SERAC1

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Citations formats

Su Y, Zhang H, Wang H, Wu B, Yang J, Zhou W, Li L (2021)
Case Report: Progressive Cholestasis: Severe Phenotype of MEGDEL Syndrome With SATB2-Associated Syndrome
Front Pediatr 9 :713458

Su Y, Zhang H, Wang H, Wu B, Yang J, Zhou W, Li L (2021)
Front Pediatr 9 :713458