Title : Acetylcholinesterase activity and neurodevelopment in boys and girls - Suarez-Lopez_2013_Pediatrics_132_e1649 |
Author(s) : Suarez-Lopez JR , Himes JH , Jacobs DR, Jr. , Alexander BH , Gunnar MR |
Ref : Pediatrics , 132 :e1649 , 2013 |
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: Organophosphate exposures can affect children's neurodevelopment, possibly due to neurotoxicity induced by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition, and may affect boys more than girls. We tested the hypothesis that lower AChE activity is associated with lower neurobehavioral development among children living in Ecuadorian floricultural communities. |
PubMedSearch : Suarez-Lopez_2013_Pediatrics_132_e1649 |
PubMedID: 24249815 |
Suarez-Lopez JR, Himes JH, Jacobs DR, Jr., Alexander BH, Gunnar MR (2013)
Acetylcholinesterase activity and neurodevelopment in boys and girls
132 :e1649
Suarez-Lopez JR, Himes JH, Jacobs DR, Jr., Alexander BH, Gunnar MR (2013)
132 :e1649