

Title : Galanin impairs acquisition but not retrieval of spatial memory in rats studied in the Morris swim maze - Sundstrom_1988_Neurosci.Lett_88_331
Author(s) : Sundstrom E , Archer T , Melander T , Hokfelt T
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 88 :331 , 1988
Abstract :

The effect of intraventricular administration of the neuropeptide galanin on acquisition and retrieval in a modified Morris swim maze was studied in rats. Galanin induced a significant deficit in the acquisition of the task while no effects on the retrieval were observed. No deficits were seen 24 h after the last treatment. Galanin did not increase the number of failures to reach the platform. It is suggested that endogenous galanin modulates learning possibly via the galanin-containing cholinergic neurons in the septum-basal forebrain area projecting to the hippocampus and cortex.

PubMedSearch : Sundstrom_1988_Neurosci.Lett_88_331
PubMedID: 2455255

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Sundstrom E, Archer T, Melander T, Hokfelt T (1988)
Galanin impairs acquisition but not retrieval of spatial memory in rats studied in the Morris swim maze
Neuroscience Letters 88 :331

Sundstrom E, Archer T, Melander T, Hokfelt T (1988)
Neuroscience Letters 88 :331