

Title : Xylanolytic enzymes from fungi and bacteria - Sunna_1997_Crit.Rev.Biotechnol_17_39
Author(s) : Sunna A , Antranikian G
Ref : Critical Reviews in Biotechnology , 17 :39 , 1997
Abstract :

The development of new analytical techniques and the commercial availability of new substrates have led to the purification and characterization of a large number of xylan-degrading enzymes. Furthermore, the introduction of recombinant DNA technology has resulted in the selection of xylanolytic enzymes that are more suitable for industrial applications. For a successful integration of xylanases in industrial processes, a detailed understanding of the mechanism of enzyme action is, however, required. This review gives an overview of various xylanolytic enzyme systems from bacteria and fungi that have been described recently in more detail.

PubMedSearch : Sunna_1997_Crit.Rev.Biotechnol_17_39
PubMedID: 9118232

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Sunna A, Antranikian G (1997)
Xylanolytic enzymes from fungi and bacteria
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 17 :39

Sunna A, Antranikian G (1997)
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 17 :39