

Title : Analysis of a 10-ns molecular dynamics simulation of mouse acetylcholinesterase - Tai_2001_Biophys.J_81_715
Author(s) : Tai K , Shen T , Borjesson U , Philippopoulos M , McCammon JA
Ref : Biophysical Journal , 81 :715 , 2001
Abstract :

A 10-ns molecular dynamics simulation of mouse acetylcholinesterase was analyzed, with special attention paid to the fluctuation in the width of the gorge and opening events of the back door. The trajectory was first verified to ensure its stability. We defined the gorge proper radius as the measure for the extent of gorge opening. We developed an expression of an inter-atom distance representative of the gorge proper radius in terms of projections on the principal components. This revealed the fact that collective motions of many scales contribute to the opening behavior of the gorge. Covariance and correlation results identified the motions of the protein backbone as the gorge opens. In the back-door region, side-chain dihedral angles that define the opening were identified.

PubMedSearch : Tai_2001_Biophys.J_81_715
PubMedID: 11463620

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Tai K, Shen T, Borjesson U, Philippopoulos M, McCammon JA (2001)
Analysis of a 10-ns molecular dynamics simulation of mouse acetylcholinesterase
Biophysical Journal 81 :715

Tai K, Shen T, Borjesson U, Philippopoulos M, McCammon JA (2001)
Biophysical Journal 81 :715