

Title : Polysialic acid influences specific pathfinding by avian motoneurons - Tang_1992_Neuron_8_1031
Author(s) : Tang J , Landmesser L , Rutishauser U
Ref : Neuron , 8 :1031 , 1992
Abstract :

The influence of polysialic acid (PSA) on the neural cell adhesion molecule on motoneuron outgrowth and pathway formation was investigated by determining its temporal and spatial pattern of expression and by the effect that its removal had on motoneuron projection patterns. Motoneurons first expressed PSA as their growth cones began to segregate into motoneuron pool-specific groups in the plexus region; furthermore, PSA levels differed between motoneurons projecting to different targets. When PSA was removed during the period of axonal segregation in the plexus region projection errors were common. However, later removal during the process of muscle nerve formation did not result in projection errors. These results suggest that PSA modulates interactions between motoneuron axons and guidance molecules in the plexus region during axonal pathfinding.

PubMedSearch : Tang_1992_Neuron_8_1031
PubMedID: 1319183

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Citations formats

Tang J, Landmesser L, Rutishauser U (1992)
Polysialic acid influences specific pathfinding by avian motoneurons
Neuron 8 :1031

Tang J, Landmesser L, Rutishauser U (1992)
Neuron 8 :1031