

Title : Effects of the organophosphate insecticide, monocrotophos, on acetylcholinesterase activity in the nile tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) brain - Thangnipon_1995_Neurochem.Res_20_587
Author(s) : Thangnipon W , Luangpaiboon P , Chinabut S
Ref : Neurochemical Research , 20 :587 , 1995
Abstract :

The neurotoxic effects of monocrotophos on the brain of the nile tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) were examined, using a static bioassay under laboratory conditions. By probit analysis the 96 h LC50 value of monocrotophos was 4.9 mg/l. After 96 h exposure to acute levels of monocrotophos, the brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity decreased progressively as the concentration of monocrotophos increased. In addition, four weeks following transfer to toxicant-free water after exposure to 1 mg monocrotophos, nile tilapia fish brain regained 95% of control AChE activity. The results indicate that inhibition of AChE activity in fish exposed to monocrotophos may serve as an indicator of hazard due to application of this chemical in the natural environment.

PubMedSearch : Thangnipon_1995_Neurochem.Res_20_587
PubMedID: 7643964

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Citations formats

Thangnipon W, Luangpaiboon P, Chinabut S (1995)
Effects of the organophosphate insecticide, monocrotophos, on acetylcholinesterase activity in the nile tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) brain
Neurochemical Research 20 :587

Thangnipon W, Luangpaiboon P, Chinabut S (1995)
Neurochemical Research 20 :587