

Title : Toxic effect of essential oil and its compounds isolated from Sphaeranthus amaranthoides Burm. f. against dengue mosquito vector Aedes aegypti Linn - Thanigaivel_2019_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_160_163
Author(s) : Thanigaivel A , Chanthini KM , Karthi S , Vasantha-Srinivasan P , Ponsankar A , Sivanesh H , Stanley-Raja V , Shyam-Sundar N , Narayanan KR , Senthil-Nathan S
Ref : Pestic Biochem Physiol , 160 :163 , 2019
Abstract :

Aedes aegypti is a major mosquito vector that can transfer many deadly diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, Zika, and yellow fever viruses. Due to the developing resistance among the vector populations by the application of chemical insecticides, alternative eco-friendly vector management strategies are being focused. In this aspect, the present study was carried out to evaluate the mosquitocidal potentials of essential oil of Sphaeranthus amaranthoides (EO-Sa). EO-Sa was found to be effective against Ae. aegypti mosquito vector by exhibiting significant larvicidal, adulticidal and repellent activities. GCMS analysis of EO-Sa revealed the presence of Carvone as the major component (peak area of 89.7%). The larvicidal bioassays performed revealed that the second instar larvae were relatively more susceptible (94.32% mortality) to EO-Sa treatments (75ppm), LC50, 20.38ppm.The sub lethal treatment concentration (20ppm) significantly affected the oviposition, fecundity and morphology of Ae. aegypti. At sub lethal treatment concentration, EO-Sa down regulated alpha- and beta carboxylesterase and up regulated the GST and CYP450 level of third and fourth instar larvae. Thus the present results illustrates that EO-Sa can deliver a durable larvicidal, repellent and adulticidal activity against Ae. aegypti in an effective and eco-friendly manner.

PubMedSearch : Thanigaivel_2019_Pestic.Biochem.Physiol_160_163
PubMedID: 31519251

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Thanigaivel A, Chanthini KM, Karthi S, Vasantha-Srinivasan P, Ponsankar A, Sivanesh H, Stanley-Raja V, Shyam-Sundar N, Narayanan KR, Senthil-Nathan S (2019)
Toxic effect of essential oil and its compounds isolated from Sphaeranthus amaranthoides Burm. f. against dengue mosquito vector Aedes aegypti Linn
Pestic Biochem Physiol 160 :163

Thanigaivel A, Chanthini KM, Karthi S, Vasantha-Srinivasan P, Ponsankar A, Sivanesh H, Stanley-Raja V, Shyam-Sundar N, Narayanan KR, Senthil-Nathan S (2019)
Pestic Biochem Physiol 160 :163