

Title : A new type of transmitter release at the neuromuscular junction - Thesleff_1983_Neurosci_9_1
Author(s) : Thesleff S , Molgo J
Ref : Neuroscience , 9 :1 , 1983
Abstract :

Examination of spontaneous miniature endplate potentials (MEPPs) in murine skeletal muscle has revealed that in conditions such as botulinum poisoning, during nerve terminal regeneration or in the presence of the drug 4-aminoquinoline, two types of acetylcholine release are responsible for the MEPPs. In addition to the MEPPs which correspond to the quantal component of a nerve impulse-evoked endplate potential a second type of acetylcholine release occurs. The latter type of transmitter release gives rise to MEPPs with a more prolonged time-to-peak and frequently a larger than normal amplitude. It is unaffected by nerve terminal depolarization and transmembrane Ca2+ fluxes. The relationship between MEPP frequency and temperature has a Q10 of about 12 compared to 2-3 for normal MEPPs. In botulinum-poisoned muscles this secretory type of transmitter release dominates, being exclusively present in muscles where nerve stimulation fails to release transmitter. In normal muscle such a release is induced by 4-aminoquinoline which may cause up to 45% of all the spontaneous MEPPs to be of that kind. It is suggested that the described spontaneous secretion of acetylcholine serves in inductory and neurotrophic function.

PubMedSearch : Thesleff_1983_Neurosci_9_1
PubMedID: 6308500

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Citations formats

Thesleff S, Molgo J (1983)
A new type of transmitter release at the neuromuscular junction
Neuroscience 9 :1

Thesleff S, Molgo J (1983)
Neuroscience 9 :1