

Title : Genotype-phenotype correlation in a novel ABHD12 mutation underlying PHARC syndrome - Thimm_2020_J.Peripher.Nerv.Syst__
Author(s) : Thimm A , Rahal A , Schoen U , Abicht A , Klebe S , Kleinschnitz C , Hagenacker T , Stettner M
Ref : J Peripher Nerv Syst , : , 2020
Abstract :

PHARC syndrome is a rare neurodegenerative disorder caused by mutations in the ABHD12 gene. It is a genetically heterogeneous and clinically variable disease, which is characterized by demyelinating polyneuropathy, hearing loss, cerebellar ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, and early-onset cataract and can easily be misdiagnosed as other neurologic disorders with a similar clinical picture, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and Refsum disease. We describe the genotype-phenotype correlation of two siblings with a novel genotype underlying PHARC syndrome. The genotype was identified using next-generation sequencing. We examined both patients by means of thorough history taking and clinical examination, nerve conduction studies (NCS), brain imaging, and optical coherence tomography to establish a genotype-phenotype correlation. We identified a novel homozygous point mutation (c.784C > T, p.Arg262*) in the ABHD12 gene. This mutation was detected in both siblings, who had bilateral hearing loss and cataracts, signs of cerebellar ataxia, and neuropathy with a primarily demyelinating pattern in NCS. In one case, retinitis pigmentosa was also evident. As PHARC syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder, our findings highlight the importance of an interdisciplinary diagnostic workup with clinical and molecular genetic testing to avoid a misdiagnosis as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease or Refsum disease.

PubMedSearch : Thimm_2020_J.Peripher.Nerv.Syst__
PubMedID: 32077159
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD12

Citations formats

Thimm A, Rahal A, Schoen U, Abicht A, Klebe S, Kleinschnitz C, Hagenacker T, Stettner M (2020)
Genotype-phenotype correlation in a novel ABHD12 mutation underlying PHARC syndrome
J Peripher Nerv Syst :

Thimm A, Rahal A, Schoen U, Abicht A, Klebe S, Kleinschnitz C, Hagenacker T, Stettner M (2020)
J Peripher Nerv Syst :