

Title : Neurobehavioral evaluation of lurcher mutant mice during ontogeny - Thullier_1997_Brain.Res.Dev.Brain.Res_100_22
Author(s) : Thullier F , Lalonde R , Cousin X , Lestienne F
Ref : Brain Research Developmental Brain Research , 100 :22 , 1997
Abstract :

Lurcher mutant mice were compared to normal littermate controls for body weight, body righting, negative geotropism, sensorimotor coordination (rotating grid, wire suspension, rotorod), and visuomotor coordination requiring swimming toward a pole during postnatal (P) days 0-30. Lurcher mutants had a lower body weight on P20-P30 and were slower before performing the complete body righting response on P13-P30. Because of postural instability during the negative geotropism test, lurcher mutants turned quicker up the slope than normal mice. The mutants fell sooner from the rotating grid on P11-P14, from the horizontal wire on P15-P16, and from the rotorod on P14-P30. Lurcher mutants were also slower before swimming to the pole or climbing to the top of the pole and were inferior in pole climbing height on P22-P30. These results indicate test-selective and time-selective neurobehavioral deficits during ontogeny in a spontaneous cerebellar mutant.

PubMedSearch : Thullier_1997_Brain.Res.Dev.Brain.Res_100_22
PubMedID: 9174242

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Citations formats

Thullier F, Lalonde R, Cousin X, Lestienne F (1997)
Neurobehavioral evaluation of lurcher mutant mice during ontogeny
Brain Research Developmental Brain Research 100 :22

Thullier F, Lalonde R, Cousin X, Lestienne F (1997)
Brain Research Developmental Brain Research 100 :22