

Title : Poster: The twin drug approach for novel nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) ligands: Synthesis and structure-affinity relationships -
Author(s) : Tomassoli I , Eibl C , Wulf M , Papke RL , Picciotto MR , Gndisch D
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 82 :1028 , 2011

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Tomassoli I, Eibl C, Wulf M, Papke RL, Picciotto MR, Gndisch D (2011)
Poster: The twin drug approach for novel nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) ligands: Synthesis and structure-affinity relationships
Biochemical Pharmacology 82 :1028

Tomassoli I, Eibl C, Wulf M, Papke RL, Picciotto MR, Gndisch D (2011)
Biochemical Pharmacology 82 :1028