

Title : A sex attractant for the scarab beetle Anomala solida Er - Toth_2003_J.Chem.Ecol_29_1643
Author(s) : Toth M , Subchev M , Sredkov I , Szarukan I , Leal W
Ref : J Chem Ecol , 29 :1643 , 2003
Abstract :

(R, Z)-5-(-)-(Oct-1-enyl)oxacyclopentan-2-one (R-buibuilactone) attracted male Anomala solida Er. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae), a vineyard and orchard pest in Southeastern Europe. The presence of the corresponding (S) enantiomer or of 2-(E)-nonen-1-ol (a frequently found pheromone component in other Anomala spp.) in the bait did not influence catches. Traps baited with (R, Z)-5-(-)-(oct-1-enyl)oxacyclopentan-2-one were successfully used for monitoring the flight of A. solida, and may have practical applications for detection, monitoring, and mass trapping of the pest.

PubMedSearch : Toth_2003_J.Chem.Ecol_29_1643
PubMedID: 12921442

Related information

Substrate Buibuilactone

Citations formats

Toth M, Subchev M, Sredkov I, Szarukan I, Leal W (2003)
A sex attractant for the scarab beetle Anomala solida Er
J Chem Ecol 29 :1643

Toth M, Subchev M, Sredkov I, Szarukan I, Leal W (2003)
J Chem Ecol 29 :1643