

Title : [Prolonged neuromuscular block caused by succinylcholine in a patient with normal cholinesterase activity]. [Italian] - Tritapepe_1995_Minerva.Anestesiol_61_47
Author(s) : Tritapepe L , Giardini M
Ref : Minerva Anestesiol , 61 :47 , 1995
Abstract :

The authors describe a case of prolonged neuromuscular blockade following suxamethonlum in a patient with a normal cholinesterase activity and dibucaine number > or = 75%. In this case a peripheral nerve stimulator and capnography allowed neuromuscular blockade evaluation and fresh frozen plasma infusion led to a normal recovery from suxamethonium neuromuscular blockade. This report suggests a case of abnormal cholinesterase activity described as "silent variant".

PubMedSearch : Tritapepe_1995_Minerva.Anestesiol_61_47
PubMedID: 7617240

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Citations formats

Tritapepe L, Giardini M (1995)
[Prolonged neuromuscular block caused by succinylcholine in a patient with normal cholinesterase activity]. [Italian]
Minerva Anestesiol 61 :47

Tritapepe L, Giardini M (1995)
Minerva Anestesiol 61 :47