

Title : [The use of pupillometry for the timely diagnosis of the intoxication by cholinesterase inhibitors] - Tsimbal_1997_Med.Tr.Prom.Ekol_11_27
Author(s) : Tsimbal FA , Shumakova KM
Ref : Med Tr Prom Ekol , 11 :27 , 1997
Abstract :

The article deals with diagnostic potential of new generation pupillometers having hi-tech units and using up-to-date methods of information processing. Those pupillometers proved to be effective for express diagnosis of intoxications.

PubMedSearch : Tsimbal_1997_Med.Tr.Prom.Ekol_11_27
PubMedID: 9574987

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Tsimbal FA, Shumakova KM (1997)
[The use of pupillometry for the timely diagnosis of the intoxication by cholinesterase inhibitors]
Med Tr Prom Ekol 11 :27

Tsimbal FA, Shumakova KM (1997)
Med Tr Prom Ekol 11 :27