Title : Donepezil HCl (E2020) maintains functional brain activity in patients with Alzheimer disease: results of a 24-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study - Tune_2003_Am.J.Geriatr.Psychiatry_11_169 |
Author(s) : Tune L , Tiseo PJ , Ieni J , Perdomo C , Pratt RD , Votaw JR , Jewart RD , Hoffman JM |
Ref : American Journal of Geriatry & Psychiatry , 11 :169 , 2003 |
Abstract :
OBJECTIVE: The authors evaluated the effects of donepezil (10 mg/day) versus placebo on brain glucose metabolism. |
PubMedSearch : Tune_2003_Am.J.Geriatr.Psychiatry_11_169 |
PubMedID: 12611746 |
Tune L, Tiseo PJ, Ieni J, Perdomo C, Pratt RD, Votaw JR, Jewart RD, Hoffman JM (2003)
Donepezil HCl (E2020) maintains functional brain activity in patients with Alzheimer disease: results of a 24-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
American Journal of Geriatry & Psychiatry
11 :169
Tune L, Tiseo PJ, Ieni J, Perdomo C, Pratt RD, Votaw JR, Jewart RD, Hoffman JM (2003)
American Journal of Geriatry & Psychiatry
11 :169