

Title : Lantana camara L. essential oil mediated nano-emulsion formulation for biocontrol application: anti-mosquitocidal, anti-microbial and antioxidant assay - Udappusamy_2022_Arch.Microbiol_204_388
Author(s) : Udappusamy V , Mohan H , Thinagaran R
Ref : Arch Microbiol , 204 :388 , 2022
Abstract :

Mosquitoes play an important role in the spread of vector-borne diseases and their management is highly essential. Plant extracts have been explored for their mosquitocidal activity against different types of vectors. The present work aimed to determine the larvicidal and pupicidal activity of Lantana camara L. essential oil-loaded nano-emulsion formulation for the control of pests. The synthesized essential oil-loaded nano-emulsion was subjected to evaluate the antioxidant potential and mosquito larvicidal properties. GC-MS analysis revealed that the essential oil of Lantana camara L. leaf contained 12 bioactive components. Caryophyllene oxide (15.81), n-Hexadecanoic acid (4.22), Davanone (6.49) and beta-Sesquiphellandrene (2.32) are the major compounds identified. The nano-emulsion was effective against A. aegypti immature stage (larvae and pupae) and adult mosquitoes in laboratory conditions. The LC(50) was found to be 18.183 ppm (I), 23.337 ppm (II), 29.731 ppm (III), 38.943 ppm (IV) instars and 45.295 ppm (pupae), respectively. The LD(50) and LD(90) values for adult mosquitoes were 11.947 mg/cm(2) and 47.716 mg/cm(2), respectively. The antioxidant activity of ascorbic acid (55.9%), glutathione (67.7%) and quercetin (48.6%) was recorded, respectively. The level of acetylcholinesterase (0.06 mM) and alkaline phosphatase (0.05 mM) activity significantly decreased from the control (0.12 mM) which revealed the efficacy of essential oil-loaded nano-emulsion to treat larvae. This study suggested that using an essential oil-loaded nano-emulsion formulation effectively controlled the mosquito vectors. It was also evidenced that the use of nano-emulsion has a great role in near future, especially in vector management.

PubMedSearch : Udappusamy_2022_Arch.Microbiol_204_388
PubMedID: 35697887

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Citations formats

Udappusamy V, Mohan H, Thinagaran R (2022)
Lantana camara L. essential oil mediated nano-emulsion formulation for biocontrol application: anti-mosquitocidal, anti-microbial and antioxidant assay
Arch Microbiol 204 :388

Udappusamy V, Mohan H, Thinagaran R (2022)
Arch Microbiol 204 :388