

Title : Effect of memantine on the alpha 7 neuronal nicotinic receptors, synaptophysin- and low molecular weight MAP-2 levels in the brain of transgenic mice over-expressing human acetylcholinesterase - Unger_2005_J.Neural.Transm.(Vienna)_112_255
Author(s) : Unger C , Svedberg MM , Schutte M , Bednar I , Nordberg A
Ref : J Neural Transm (Vienna) , 112 :255 , 2005
Abstract :

Transgenic mice over-expressing human acetylcholinesterase (hAChE-Tg) display memory impairments, cholinergic deficits and reduced dendritic branching. In this study, we found a reduced number of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) binding sites and reduced levels of low molecular weight (LMW) microtubule associated protein 2 (MAP-2), in addition to an increased number of alpha4 and alpha7 nicotinic receptor (nAChR) binding sites in the brain of hAChE-Tg mice. Treatment with memantine, 20 mg/kg/day during 14 days, significantly increased the number of [(125)I]alphabungarotoxin (alpha7 nAChR) binding sites in the frontal- and retrosplenial cortex of hAChE-Tg mice and synaptophysin- and LMW MAP-2 levels in the cortex of both hAChE-Tg and FVB/N controls. The findings reveal an alteration of the glutamatergic system in hAChE-Tg mice. Whether the effect of memantine on alpha7 nAChRs, synaptophysin- and LMW MAP-2 levels is a direct effect, or an indirect effect via the NMDA receptors, has to be further evaluated.

PubMedSearch : Unger_2005_J.Neural.Transm.(Vienna)_112_255
PubMedID: 15372325

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Unger C, Svedberg MM, Schutte M, Bednar I, Nordberg A (2005)
Effect of memantine on the alpha 7 neuronal nicotinic receptors, synaptophysin- and low molecular weight MAP-2 levels in the brain of transgenic mice over-expressing human acetylcholinesterase
J Neural Transm (Vienna) 112 :255

Unger C, Svedberg MM, Schutte M, Bednar I, Nordberg A (2005)
J Neural Transm (Vienna) 112 :255