

Title : MDP77: A novel neurite-outgrowth-promoting protein predominantly expressed in chick muscles - Uyeda_2000_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_269_564
Author(s) : Uyeda A , Fukui I , Fujimori K , Kiyosue K , Nishimune H , Kasai M , Taguchi T
Ref : Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications , 269 :564 , 2000
Abstract :

A 4.7 kb chick cDNA clone that coded for the novel muscle-derived protein, MDP77, was isolated from a cDNA library of the denervated crus muscles using an antibody which inhibited the neurite outgrowth activity. MDP77 consisted of 676 aa with a calculated molecular mass of 77 k. The deduced amino acid sequence exhibited an extended coiled-coil domain and a leucine zipper motif. A recombinant protein promoted the neurite-outgrowth from the cultured chick neurons of the spinal cord in a dose-dependent manner. Northern blotting and in situ hybridization revealed that MDP77 was predominantly expressed in the cardiac and the skeletal muscles. In the COS-7 cells transfected with the cDNA of the epitope-tagged MDP77, the expressed protein was detected in the culture medium, suggesting that the MDP77 was secreted.

PubMedSearch : Uyeda_2000_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_269_564
PubMedID: 10708594

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Uyeda A, Fukui I, Fujimori K, Kiyosue K, Nishimune H, Kasai M, Taguchi T (2000)
MDP77: A novel neurite-outgrowth-promoting protein predominantly expressed in chick muscles
Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications 269 :564

Uyeda A, Fukui I, Fujimori K, Kiyosue K, Nishimune H, Kasai M, Taguchi T (2000)
Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications 269 :564