

Title : Immobilization of Candida rugosa lipase on poly(allyl glycidyl ether-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) macroporous polymer particles - Vaidya_2008_Bioresour.Technol_99_3623
Author(s) : Vaidya BK , Ingavle GC , Ponrathnam S , Kulkarni BD , Nene SN
Ref : Bioresour Technol , 99 :3623 , 2008
Abstract :

Macroporous polymer particles containing surface epoxy groups were synthesized for immobilization of Candida rugosa lipase (CRL). The effect of incorporation of two different sets of monomers [allyl glycidyl ether (AGE) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA)] and the effect of crosslinking density on immobilization of lipase were studied. AGE-co-EGDM polymers gave higher binding and expression of lipase than GMA-co-EGDM polymers. Optimization of immobilization parameters was done with respect to immobilization time and enzyme loading. Amongst AGE-co-EGDM polymer series, AGE-150 polymer found to give maximum lipase activity yield and therefore evaluated for temperature, pH and storage stability. Under optimum conditions, AGE-150 polymer gave 78.40% of activity yield. Immobilized lipase on AGE-150 showed a broader pH, higher temperature and excellent storage stability.

PubMedSearch : Vaidya_2008_Bioresour.Technol_99_3623
PubMedID: 17766105

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Vaidya BK, Ingavle GC, Ponrathnam S, Kulkarni BD, Nene SN (2008)
Immobilization of Candida rugosa lipase on poly(allyl glycidyl ether-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) macroporous polymer particles
Bioresour Technol 99 :3623

Vaidya BK, Ingavle GC, Ponrathnam S, Kulkarni BD, Nene SN (2008)
Bioresour Technol 99 :3623