

Title : A single amino acid change makes a rat neuronal sodium channel highly sensitive to pyrethroid insecticides - Vais_2000_FEBS.Lett_470_135
Author(s) : Vais H , Atkinson S , Eldursi N , Devonshire AL , Williamson MS , Usherwood PN
Ref : FEBS Letters , 470 :135 , 2000
Abstract :

Two amino acid substitutions in a housefly sodium channel, L1014F in domain IIS6 and M918T in the IIS4-S5 linker, have been identified in kdr and super-kdr pyrethroid-resistant phenotypes, respectively. Unlike their native insect counterparts, mammalian sodium channels are only weakly sensitive to pyrethroids. Do the sodium channels of mammal and pyrethroid-resistant housefly share similar structural characteristics that account for their low pyrethroid sensitivities? We report here that substitution of isoleucine for methionine at position 874 (equivalent to the super-kdr site 918 in the housefly) in the rat IIA alpha-subunit causes a 100-fold increase in sensitivity.

PubMedSearch : Vais_2000_FEBS.Lett_470_135
PubMedID: 10734222

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Vais H, Atkinson S, Eldursi N, Devonshire AL, Williamson MS, Usherwood PN (2000)
A single amino acid change makes a rat neuronal sodium channel highly sensitive to pyrethroid insecticides
FEBS Letters 470 :135

Vais H, Atkinson S, Eldursi N, Devonshire AL, Williamson MS, Usherwood PN (2000)
FEBS Letters 470 :135