Van Ommen_1989_Biochimie_71_211


Title : Studies on the structures of the normal and abnormal goat thyroglobulin genes - Van Ommen_1989_Biochimie_71_211
Author(s) : van Ommen GJ , Sterk A , Mercken LO , Arnberg AC , Baas F , de Vijlder JJ
Ref : Biochimie , 71 :211 , 1989
Abstract :

We have cloned the thyroglobulin (Tg) gene of normal goats and goitrous goats which have a Tg synthesis defect. At the 5'-end of the gene, we studied cosmid clones covering a region from 20 kilobases (kb) upstream from the Tg gene to 42 kb into it. Electron microscopy and restriction mapping show that this part of the gene contains 20 exons of 90-1190 bp, in total 4.9 kb of exonic information (56% of the mRNA) split by 19 introns of 150-9100 bp. The exons comprise 12% of the 5' sequences cloned. At the 3'-end, 55 kb were cloned, containing 10 kb of the gene which comprises only 3 exons of 550 bp in total. Sequence analysis of the 3'-end of the normal and abnormal Tg genes has revealed one transition mutation 3' to the reading frame in a stem-loop structure region of the last exon near the poly(A) addition site. Analysis of the promoter site and the first 5 exons has revealed only one difference between the normal and goitrous Tg genes: a Ser----Leu transition in exon 5. We also found an insertion in the fifth intron of the abnormal gene.

PubMedSearch : Van Ommen_1989_Biochimie_71_211
PubMedID: 2495821

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van Ommen GJ, Sterk A, Mercken LO, Arnberg AC, Baas F, de Vijlder JJ (1989)
Studies on the structures of the normal and abnormal goat thyroglobulin genes
Biochimie 71 :211

van Ommen GJ, Sterk A, Mercken LO, Arnberg AC, Baas F, de Vijlder JJ (1989)
Biochimie 71 :211