

Title : Presynaptic ionotropic receptors controlling and modulating the rules for spike timing-dependent plasticity - Verhoog_2011_Neural.Plast_2011_870763
Author(s) : Verhoog MB , Mansvelder HD
Ref : Neural Plast , 2011 :870763 , 2011
Abstract :

Throughout life, activity-dependent changes in neuronal connection strength enable the brain to refine neural circuits and learn based on experience. In line with predictions made by Hebb, synapse strength can be modified depending on the millisecond timing of action potential firing (STDP). The sign of synaptic plasticity depends on the spike order of presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons. Ionotropic neurotransmitter receptors, such as NMDA receptors and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, are intimately involved in setting the rules for synaptic strengthening and weakening. In addition, timing rules for STDP within synapses are not fixed. They can be altered by activation of ionotropic receptors located at, or close to, synapses. Here, we will highlight studies that uncovered how network actions control and modulate timing rules for STDP by activating presynaptic ionotropic receptors. Furthermore, we will discuss how interaction between different types of ionotropic receptors may create "timing" windows during which particular timing rules lead to synaptic changes.

PubMedSearch : Verhoog_2011_Neural.Plast_2011_870763
PubMedID: 21941664

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Verhoog MB, Mansvelder HD (2011)
Presynaptic ionotropic receptors controlling and modulating the rules for spike timing-dependent plasticity
Neural Plast 2011 :870763

Verhoog MB, Mansvelder HD (2011)
Neural Plast 2011 :870763