

Title : Novel acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from Zijuan tea and biosynthetic pathway of caffeoylated catechin in tea plant - Wang_2017_Food.Chem_237_1172
Author(s) : Wang W , Fu XW , Dai XL , Hua F , Chu GX , Chu MJ , Hu FL , Ling TJ , Gao LP , Xie ZW , Wan XC , Bao GH
Ref : Food Chem , 237 :1172 , 2017
Abstract :

Zijuan tea is a special cultivar of Yunnan broad-leaf tea (Camellia sinensis var. assamica) with purple buds, leaves, and stems. Phytochemical study on this tea led to the discovery of three hydroxycinnamoylated catechins (HCCs) (1-3), seven other catechins (4-10), three proanthocyanidins (11-13), five flavones and flavone glycosides (14-18), two alkaloids (19, 20), one steroid (21), and one phenylpropanoid glycoside (22). The isolation and structural elucidation of the caffeoylated catechin (1) by means of spectroscopic techniques were described. We also provide the first evidence that 1 is synthesized via a two-step pathway in tea plant. The three HCCs (1-3) were investigated on their bioactivity through molecular modeling simulation and biochemical experiments. Our results show that they bind acetylcholinesterase (AChE) tightly and have strong AChE inhibitory activity with IC50 value at 2.49, 11.41, 62.26muM, respectively.

PubMedSearch : Wang_2017_Food.Chem_237_1172
PubMedID: 28763966

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Wang W, Fu XW, Dai XL, Hua F, Chu GX, Chu MJ, Hu FL, Ling TJ, Gao LP, Xie ZW, Wan XC, Bao GH (2017)
Novel acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from Zijuan tea and biosynthetic pathway of caffeoylated catechin in tea plant
Food Chem 237 :1172

Wang W, Fu XW, Dai XL, Hua F, Chu GX, Chu MJ, Hu FL, Ling TJ, Gao LP, Xie ZW, Wan XC, Bao GH (2017)
Food Chem 237 :1172