

Title : A new steroidal alkaloid from Fritillaria michailovskyi Fomin - Wang_2020_Nat.Prod.Res__2
Author(s) : Wang Y , Aamer M , Aslay M , Sener B , Khan FA , Wahab AT , Rahman AU , Choudhary MI
Ref : Nat Prod Res , :1 , 2020
Abstract :

A new steroidal alkaloid, michainine (1), was isolated from Fritillaria michailovskyi Fomin, along with nine known compounds 2-10 of different classes, including ribonucleoside, steroids, and fatty acids, which were isolated for the first time from this plant. Their structures were elucidated through extensive spectroscopic techniques, as well as by comparing the data in the literature. Furthermore, the dichloromethane fraction of F. michailovskyi showed a positive butyrylcholinesterase inhibitory activity, along with non-cytotoxicity against 3T3 cell line.

PubMedSearch : Wang_2020_Nat.Prod.Res__2
PubMedID: 32648487

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Wang Y, Aamer M, Aslay M, Sener B, Khan FA, Wahab AT, Rahman AU, Choudhary MI (2020)
A new steroidal alkaloid from Fritillaria michailovskyi Fomin
Nat Prod Res :1

Wang Y, Aamer M, Aslay M, Sener B, Khan FA, Wahab AT, Rahman AU, Choudhary MI (2020)
Nat Prod Res :1