

Title : Sleep deprivation induced fat accumulation in the visceral white adipose tissue by suppressing SIRT1\/FOXO1\/ATGL pathway activation - Wang_2024_J.Physiol.Biochem__
Author(s) : Wang W , Liu K , Xu H , Zhang C , Zhang Y , Ding M , Xing C , Huang X , Wen Q , Lu C , Song L
Ref : Journal de Physiologie Biochem , : , 2024
Abstract :

Sleep is critical for maintaining overall health. Insufficient sleep duration and poor sleep quality are associated with various physical and mental health risks and chronic diseases. To date, plenty of epidemiological research has shown that sleep disorders are associated with the risk of obesity, which is usually featured by the expansion of adipose tissue. However, the underlying mechanism of increased fat accumulation upon sleep disorders remains unclear. Here we demonstrated that sleep deprivation (SD) caused triglycerides (TG) accumulation in the visceral white adipose tissue (vWAT), accompanied by a remarkable decrease in the expression of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and other two rate-limiting lipolytic enzymes. Due to the key role of ATGL in initiating and controlling lipolysis, we focused on investigating the signaling pathway leading to attenuated ATGL expression in vWAT upon SD in the following study. We observed that ATGL downregulation resulted from the suppression of ATGL transcription, which was mediated by the reduction of the transcriptional factor FOXO1 and its upstream regulator SIRT1 expression in vWAT after SD. Furthermore, impairment of SIRT1/FOXO1/ATGL pathway activation and lipolysis induced by SIRT1 inhibitor EX527 in the 3T3-L1 adipocytes were efficiently rescued by the SIRT1 activator resveratrol. Most notably, resveratrol administration in SD mice revitalized the SIRT1/FOXO1/ATGL pathway activation and lipid mobilization in vWAT. These findings suggest that targeting the SIRT1/FOXO1/ATGL pathway may offer a promising strategy to mitigate fat accumulation in vWAT and reduce obesity risk associated with sleep disorders.

PubMedSearch : Wang_2024_J.Physiol.Biochem__
PubMedID: 38856814

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Wang W, Liu K, Xu H, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Ding M, Xing C, Huang X, Wen Q, Lu C, Song L (2024)
Sleep deprivation induced fat accumulation in the visceral white adipose tissue by suppressing SIRT1\/FOXO1\/ATGL pathway activation
Journal de Physiologie Biochem :

Wang W, Liu K, Xu H, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Ding M, Xing C, Huang X, Wen Q, Lu C, Song L (2024)
Journal de Physiologie Biochem :