

Title : The temporal effect of food on tacrine bioavailability - Welty_1994_J.Clin.Pharmacol_34_985
Author(s) : Welty DF , Siedlik PH , Posvar EL , Selen A , Sedman AJ
Ref : Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , 34 :985 , 1994
Abstract :

A four-way cross-over study was performed to assess the temporal effect of food on the rate and extent of tacrine (Cognex, THA) absorption after drug administration to healthy, older volunteers. Each volunteer received four single 40-mg THA doses at 1-week intervals. Doses were administered after an 8-hour overnight fast, 1 hour before a standard breakfast, 15 minutes after beginning a standard breakfast, and 2 hours after completion of a standard breakfast. Gastrointestinal side effects were most frequently reported after drug administration to fasted subjects. Mean Cmax and AUC(0-infinity) values after THA administration during breakfast (9.9 ng/mL and 70.2 ng.hr/mL) and 2 hours after breakfast (11.6 ng/mL and 74.2 ng.hour-1.mL-1) were significantly lower than values determined after administration of THA to fasting subjects (15.8 ng/mL, and 91.8 ng.hour-1.mL-1). Little effect was evident when THA was administered 1 hour before breakfast.

PubMedSearch : Welty_1994_J.Clin.Pharmacol_34_985
PubMedID: 7836549

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Welty DF, Siedlik PH, Posvar EL, Selen A, Sedman AJ (1994)
The temporal effect of food on tacrine bioavailability
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 34 :985

Welty DF, Siedlik PH, Posvar EL, Selen A, Sedman AJ (1994)
Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 34 :985