

Title : Recognition of the E1kE1f cholinesterase genotype in a family segregating three rare genes, E1k, E1f and E1a - Whittaker_1987_Hum.Hered_37_82
Author(s) : Whittaker M , Taylor F , Battersby EF
Ref : Hum Hered , 37 :82 , 1987
Abstract :

The first identification of the cholinesterase variant E1kE1f is reported from a family study. The evidence is based on the determination of enzymic activity, dibucaine, fluoride and RO2 numbers. Three individuals appear to have this genotype, and family evidence is not at variance with our conclusions. All three individuals will be sensitive to suxamethonium.

PubMedSearch : Whittaker_1987_Hum.Hered_37_82
PubMedID: 3583292

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Whittaker M, Taylor F, Battersby EF (1987)
Recognition of the E1kE1f cholinesterase genotype in a family segregating three rare genes, E1k, E1f and E1a
Hum Hered 37 :82

Whittaker M, Taylor F, Battersby EF (1987)
Hum Hered 37 :82