

Title : Genetic and pharmacological evidence for a novel, intermediate phase of long-term potentiation suppressed by calcineurin - Winder_1998_Cell_92_25
Author(s) : Winder DG , Mansuy IM , Osman M , Moallem TM , Kandel ER
Ref : Cell , 92 :25 , 1998
Abstract :

To investigate the role of phosphatases in synaptic plasticity using genetic approaches, we generated transgenic mice that overexpress a truncated form of calcineurin under the control of the CaMKIIalpha promoter. Mice expressing this transgene show increased calcium-dependent phosphatase activity in the hippocampus. Physiological studies of these mice and parallel pharmacological experiments in wild-type mice reveal a novel, intermediate phase of LTP (I-LTP) in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. This intermediate phase differs from E-LTP by requiring multiple trains for induction and in being dependent on PKA. It differs from L-LTP in not requiring new protein synthesis. These data suggest that calcineurin acts as an inhibitory constraint on I-LTP that is relieved by PKA. This inhibitory constraint acts as a gate to regulate the synaptic induction of L-LTP.

PubMedSearch : Winder_1998_Cell_92_25
PubMedID: 9489697

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Winder DG, Mansuy IM, Osman M, Moallem TM, Kandel ER (1998)
Genetic and pharmacological evidence for a novel, intermediate phase of long-term potentiation suppressed by calcineurin
Cell 92 :25

Winder DG, Mansuy IM, Osman M, Moallem TM, Kandel ER (1998)
Cell 92 :25