

Title : A new sesquiterpenoid from the rhizomes of Homalomena sagittifolia - Wong_2012_Nat.Prod.Res_26_850
Author(s) : Wong KC , Hamid A , Eldeen IM , Asmawi MZ , Baharuddin S , Abdillahi HS , Van Staden J
Ref : Nat Prod Res , 26 :850 , 2012
Abstract :

A new sesquiterpenoid, 1alpha,4beta,7beta-eudesmanetriol (1), was isolated together with the known compounds 1beta,4beta,7beta-eudesmanetriol (2) and oplopanone (3) from the rhizomes of Homalomena sagittifolia. The structures of these compounds were determined by extensive spectral analyses. The compounds 1 and 2 inhibited growth of Pseudomonas stutzeri with a MIC value of 117 microM when evaluated for antibacterial activity using the minimum concentration assay. Both these compounds showed remarkable activities against acetylcholinesterase enzyme with IC(50) values ranging between 25 and 26 microM. The isolation of these sesquiterpenoids and their biological activities observed in this study support the reported traditional uses of H. sagittifolia for the treatment of microbial related diseases and central nervous system disorders.

PubMedSearch : Wong_2012_Nat.Prod.Res_26_850
PubMedID: 21999629

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Wong KC, Hamid A, Eldeen IM, Asmawi MZ, Baharuddin S, Abdillahi HS, Van Staden J (2012)
A new sesquiterpenoid from the rhizomes of Homalomena sagittifolia
Nat Prod Res 26 :850

Wong KC, Hamid A, Eldeen IM, Asmawi MZ, Baharuddin S, Abdillahi HS, Van Staden J (2012)
Nat Prod Res 26 :850