

Title : Morphological study of fetal neocortical transplant grafted to the cerebral corresponding area in young rats. Differentiation of immature neurons and reciprocal connections of fibers between graft-host brain - Wu_1994_Chin.Med.J_107_862
Author(s) : Wu KL , Huang J
Ref : Chinese Medical Journal , 107 :862 , 1994
Abstract :

The fetal neocortical transplant (E15-17 days gestation) of Wistar rat was grafted to the corresponding neocortical region (frontal-parietal lobe) of the same strain in young rats (4-5 weeks old). On the 7th, 15th, 30th, 60th, 150th day after transplantation, the sections cut through the middle area of graft-host brain were examined by HE, Nissl, Glees stain, immunohistochemical technique for GFAP and NF, Nissl, Glees stain, immunohistochemical technique for GFAP and NF, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry as well as horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde tracing with light microscope. Some of the sections were also examined with TEM. The result showed that most immature neurons within the graft can survive, grow, differentiate and mature, and are similar to the structure of the neocortical neurons of host brain. This study also provides patterns of integration of the interface between graft-host brain varying with the proliferation of reactive astrocyte as well as graft-host reciprocal connection of fibers.

PubMedSearch : Wu_1994_Chin.Med.J_107_862
PubMedID: 7867397

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Wu KL, Huang J (1994)
Morphological study of fetal neocortical transplant grafted to the cerebral corresponding area in young rats. Differentiation of immature neurons and reciprocal connections of fibers between graft-host brain
Chinese Medical Journal 107 :862

Wu KL, Huang J (1994)
Chinese Medical Journal 107 :862