

Title : Autocannibalism of choline-containing membrane phospholipids in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease-A hypothesis - Wurtman_1985_Neurochem.Int_7_369
Author(s) : Wurtman RJ , Blusztajn JK , Maire JC
Ref : Neurochem Int , 7 :369 , 1985
Abstract :

The selective vulnerability of certain cholinergic neurons in Alzheimer's disease could reflect a unique response of these neurons to a neurotoxic factor. Alternatively the etiologic factor causing the disease could affect the brain generally, and the selective death of the cholinergic neurons could occur because they have a biochemical property that makes them least able to withstand this factor. One such property might be their tendency to utilize choline-phospholipids both as a membrane constituent and as a source of free choline for acetylcholine synthesis: perhaps when choline levels in the brain's extracellular fluid are too low to sustain acetylcholine release, these neurons break down their choline-phospholipids more rapidly than they can synthesize them, thus changing membrane structure and, ultimately, neuronal viability.

PubMedSearch : Wurtman_1985_Neurochem.Int_7_369
PubMedID: 20492936

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Wurtman RJ, Blusztajn JK, Maire JC (1985)
Autocannibalism of choline-containing membrane phospholipids in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease-A hypothesis
Neurochem Int 7 :369

Wurtman RJ, Blusztajn JK, Maire JC (1985)
Neurochem Int 7 :369