

Title : Progress in Target Drug Molecules for Alzheimer's Disease - Xie_2020_Curr.Top.Med.Chem_20_4
Author(s) : Xie J , Liang R , Wang Y , Huang J , Cao X , Niu B
Ref : Curr Top Med Chem , 20 :4 , 2020
Abstract :

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that 4 widespread in the elderly. The etiology of AD is complicated, and its pathogenesis is still unclear. Although there are many researches on anti-AD drugs, they are limited to reverse relief symptoms and cannot treat diseases. Therefore, the development of high-efficiency anti-AD drugs with no side effects has become an urgent need. Based on the published literature, this paper summarizes the main targets of AD and their drugs, and focuses on the research and development progress of these drugs in recent years.

PubMedSearch : Xie_2020_Curr.Top.Med.Chem_20_4
PubMedID: 31797761

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Xie J, Liang R, Wang Y, Huang J, Cao X, Niu B (2020)
Progress in Target Drug Molecules for Alzheimer's Disease
Curr Top Med Chem 20 :4

Xie J, Liang R, Wang Y, Huang J, Cao X, Niu B (2020)
Curr Top Med Chem 20 :4