

Title : In Situ Visualizing Carboxylesterase Activity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Using an Activatable Endoplasmic Reticulum Targetable Proximity Labeling Far-Red Fluorescent Probe - Xu_2024_Anal.Chem_96_10724
Author(s) : Xu N , Tang D , Liu H , Liu M , Wen Z , Jiang T , Yu F
Ref : Analytical Chemistry , 96 :10724 , 2024
Abstract :

Carboxylesterase (CE), an enzyme widely present in organisms, is involved in various physiological and pathological processes. Changes in the levels of CEs in the liver may predict the presence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Here, a novel dicyanoisophorone (DCI)-based proximity-labeled far-red fluorescent probe DCI2F-Ac with endoplasmic reticulum targeting was proposed for real-time monitoring and imaging of the CEs activity. DCI2F-Ac featured very low cytotoxicity and biotoxicity and was highly selective and sensitive for CEs. Compared with traditional CEs probes, DCI2F-Ac was covalently anchored directly to CEs, thus effectively reducing the loss of in situ fluorescent signals due to diffusion. Through the "on-off" fluorescence signal readout, DCI2F-Ac was able to distinguish cell lines and screen for CEs inhibitors. In terms of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, it was found that thapsigargin (Tg) induced upregulation of CEs levels but not tunicamycin (Tm), which was related to the calcium homeostasis of the ER. DCI2F-Ac could efficiently detect downregulated CEs in the livers of T2DM, and the therapeutic efficacy of metformin, acarbose, and a combination of these two drugs was assessed by tracking the fluctuation of CEs levels. The results showed that combining metformin and acarbose could restore CEs levels to near-normal levels with the best antidiabetic effect. Thus, the DCI2F-Ac probe provides a great opportunity to explore the untapped potential of CEs in liver metabolic disorders and drug efficacy assessment.

PubMedSearch : Xu_2024_Anal.Chem_96_10724
PubMedID: 38952276

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Xu N, Tang D, Liu H, Liu M, Wen Z, Jiang T, Yu F (2024)
In Situ Visualizing Carboxylesterase Activity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Using an Activatable Endoplasmic Reticulum Targetable Proximity Labeling Far-Red Fluorescent Probe
Analytical Chemistry 96 :10724

Xu N, Tang D, Liu H, Liu M, Wen Z, Jiang T, Yu F (2024)
Analytical Chemistry 96 :10724