

Title : Butyrylcholinesterase K variant and cerebral amyloid angiopathy - Yamada_1998_Stroke_29_2488
Author(s) : Yamada M , Sodeyama N , Itoh Y , Suematsu N , Otomo E , Matsushita M , Mizusawa H
Ref : Stroke , 29 :2488 , 1998
Abstract :

BACKGROUND and PURPOSE: Cholinesterases are found histochemically in the vessels affected with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). A gene for the K variant of butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE-K) may be associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). In search of genetic risk factors for CAA, we investigated the association of BCHE-K with CAA. METHODS: The association between the severity of CAA and BCHE-K was investigated in 155 autopsy cases of the elderly, including 48 patients with AD. RESULTS: There was no significant association of BCHE-K with the severity of CAA in the total, AD, or non-AD cases. Status of the epsilon4 allele of apolipoprotein E gene did not influence the results. CONCLUSIONS: Our results may suggest that BCHE-K is not a definitive risk factor for CAA in the elderly, although further study with larger samples is necessary to confirm this.

PubMedSearch : Yamada_1998_Stroke_29_2488
PubMedID: 9836756

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Yamada M, Sodeyama N, Itoh Y, Suematsu N, Otomo E, Matsushita M, Mizusawa H (1998)
Butyrylcholinesterase K variant and cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Stroke 29 :2488

Yamada M, Sodeyama N, Itoh Y, Suematsu N, Otomo E, Matsushita M, Mizusawa H (1998)
Stroke 29 :2488