

Title : Laparoscopy-assisted suction colonic biopsy and intraoperative rapid acetylcholinesterase staining during transanal pull-through for Hirschsprung's disease - Yamataka_2002_J.Pediatr.Surg_37_1661
Author(s) : Yamataka A , Yoshida R , Kobayashi H , Tsukamoto K , Lane GJ , Segawa O , Kameoka S , Miyano T
Ref : J Pediatr Surg , 37 :1661 , 2002
Abstract :

BACKGROUND: It is crucial to identify the exact level of transition to normal ganglion cells in instances of Hirschprung's disease. This report describes a technique for laparoscopy-assisted suction colonic biopsy during transanal pull-through. METHODS: Laparoscopy-assisted suction colonic biopsy (SCBx) was used in 12 patients with Hirschsprung's disease affecting the rectosigmoid. Average age was 4.4 +/- 2.1 months with a mean operative weight 6.2 +/- 1.0 kg. The pull-through was performed as the primary operative procedure in 11 patients. Using a 2-team approach (laparoscopic team and transanal team), the site was chosen for transanal suction biopsy and marked externally by the laparoscopic team with a silver clip. Biopsies were processed for ganglion cells and rapid AChE technique. RESULTS: There were no biopsy-induced perforations. Abnormal biopsies were repeated more proximally until ganglion cells were observed. Transanal pull-through was performed and an open full-thickness biopsy performed to confirm the presence of ganglion cells. All procedures were performed successfully.
CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopy-assisted SCBx can be used successfully in patients with Hirschsprung's disease affecting the rectosigmoid (80% of cases). The technique, when used with rapid AChE staining, provides accurate identification of the level of normoganglionosis.

PubMedSearch : Yamataka_2002_J.Pediatr.Surg_37_1661
PubMedID: 12483623

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Yamataka A, Yoshida R, Kobayashi H, Tsukamoto K, Lane GJ, Segawa O, Kameoka S, Miyano T (2002)
Laparoscopy-assisted suction colonic biopsy and intraoperative rapid acetylcholinesterase staining during transanal pull-through for Hirschsprung's disease
J Pediatr Surg 37 :1661

Yamataka A, Yoshida R, Kobayashi H, Tsukamoto K, Lane GJ, Segawa O, Kameoka S, Miyano T (2002)
J Pediatr Surg 37 :1661