

Title : Lipase immobilized by modification-coupled and adsorption-cross-linking methods: A comparative study - Yang_2010_Biotechnol.Adv_28_644
Author(s) : Yang J , Ma X , Zhang Z , Chen B , Li S , Wang G
Ref : Biotechnol Adv , 28 :644 , 2010
Abstract :

Candida antarctica lipase was immobilized by an adsorption and cross-linking method with NW-ZT2 and by modification-coupled method with a silica-PEG gel. The final product silica-PEG-lipase was confirmed by IR spectra. The optimum pH value, the optimum temperature, the thermo-stabilities and operational stabilities for two kinds of immobilized lipase were also determined. Results show that the silica-PEG-lipase gel was superior to the lipase immobilized by adsorption and cross-linking, however both are viable for use in transesterification reactions.

PubMedSearch : Yang_2010_Biotechnol.Adv_28_644
PubMedID: 20478376

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Yang J, Ma X, Zhang Z, Chen B, Li S, Wang G (2010)
Lipase immobilized by modification-coupled and adsorption-cross-linking methods: A comparative study
Biotechnol Adv 28 :644

Yang J, Ma X, Zhang Z, Chen B, Li S, Wang G (2010)
Biotechnol Adv 28 :644