

Title : Artificial antibody-antigen-directed immobilization of lipase for consecutive catalytic synthesis of ester: Benzyl acetate case study - Yang_2024_Bioresour.Technol_403_130894
Author(s) : Yang Y , Guo M , Guo S , Tian J , Gu D
Ref : Bioresour Technol , 403 :130894 , 2024
Abstract :

A strategy based on artificial antibody-antigen recognition was proposed for the specific directed immobilization of lipase. The artificial antibody was synthesized using catechol as a template, alpha-methacrylic acid as a functional monomer, and Fe(3)O(4) as the matrix material. Lipase was modified with 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde as an artificial antigen. The artificial antibody can specifically recognize catechol fragment in the enzyme structure to achieve the immobilization of lipase. The immobilization amount, yield, specific activity, and immobilized enzyme activity were 13.2 +/- 0.2 mg/g, 78.9 +/- 0.4 %, 7.9 +/- 0.2 U/mg(protein), and 104.6 +/- 1.7 U/g(carrier), respectively. Moreover, the immobilized lipase exhibited strong reusability and regeneration ability. Additionally, the immobilized lipase successfully catalyzed the synthesis of benzyl acetate and demonstrated robust continuous catalytic activity. These results fully demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed artificial antibody-antigen-directed immobilization of lipase.

PubMedSearch : Yang_2024_Bioresour.Technol_403_130894
PubMedID: 38795924

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Citations formats

Yang Y, Guo M, Guo S, Tian J, Gu D (2024)
Artificial antibody-antigen-directed immobilization of lipase for consecutive catalytic synthesis of ester: Benzyl acetate case study
Bioresour Technol 403 :130894

Yang Y, Guo M, Guo S, Tian J, Gu D (2024)
Bioresour Technol 403 :130894