

Title : Complete sequence determination combined with analysis of transposition\/site-specific recombination events to explain genetic organization of IncP-7 TOL plasmid pWW53 and related mobile genetic elements - Yano_2007_J.Mol.Biol_369_11
Author(s) : Yano H , Garruto CE , Sota M , Ohtsubo Y , Nagata Y , Zylstra GJ , Williams PA , Tsuda M
Ref : Journal of Molecular Biology , 369 :11 , 2007
Abstract :

Recent studies have indicated that the evolutionarily common catabolic gene clusters are loaded on structurally diverse toluene-catabolic (TOL) plasmids and their residing transposons. To elucidate the mechanisms supporting the diversification of catabolic plasmids and transposons, we determined here the complete 107,929 bp sequence of pWW53, a TOL plasmid from Pseudomonas putida MT53. pWW53 was found to belong to the IncP-7 incompatibility group that play important roles in the catabolism of several xenobiotics. pWW53 carried two distinct transposase-resolvase gene clusters (tnpAR modules), five short terminal inverted repeats (IRs), and three site-specific resolution (res) sites that are all typical of class II transposons. This organization of pWW53 suggested the four possible transposable regions, Tn4657 to Tn4660. The largest 86 kb region (Tn4657) spanned the three other regions, and Tn4657 and Tn4660 (62 kb) covered all of the 36 xyl genes for toluene catabolism. Our subsequent transposition experiments clarified that the three transposons, Tn4657 to Tn4659, indeed exhibit their transposability, and that pWW53 also generated another 37 kb toluene-catabolic transposon, Tn4656, which carried the two separated and inversely oriented segments of pWW53: the tnpRA-IR module of Tn4658 and a part of xyl gene clusters on Tn4657. The Tn4658 transposase was able to mediate the transposition of Tn4658, Tn4657, and Tn4656, while the Tn4659 transposase catalyzed only the transposition of Tn4659. Tn4656 was formed by the Tn4658 resolvase-mediated site-specific inversion between the two inversely oriented res sites on pWW53. These findings and comparison with other catabolic plasmids clearly indicate multiple copies of transposition-related genes and sites on one plasmid and their recombination activities contribute greatly to the diversification of plasmid structures as well as wide dissemination of the evolutionary common gene clusters in various plasmids.

PubMedSearch : Yano_2007_J.Mol.Biol_369_11
PubMedID: 17408691

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Yano H, Garruto CE, Sota M, Ohtsubo Y, Nagata Y, Zylstra GJ, Williams PA, Tsuda M (2007)
Complete sequence determination combined with analysis of transposition\/site-specific recombination events to explain genetic organization of IncP-7 TOL plasmid pWW53 and related mobile genetic elements
Journal of Molecular Biology 369 :11

Yano H, Garruto CE, Sota M, Ohtsubo Y, Nagata Y, Zylstra GJ, Williams PA, Tsuda M (2007)
Journal of Molecular Biology 369 :11