

Title : Purification, identification and hypolipidemic activities of three novel hypolipidemic peptides from tea protein - Ye_2023_Food.Res.Int_165_112450
Author(s) : Ye H , Xu Y , Sun Y , Liu B , Chen B , Liu G , Cao Y , Miao J
Ref : Food Res Int , 165 :112450 , 2023
Abstract :

In this study, hypolipidemic peptides were obtained from tea protein by enzymatic hydrolysis, ultrafiltration and high-performance liquid chromatography. Subsequently, the hypolipidemic peptides were identified by mass spectrometry and screened through molecular docking technology, and the hypolipidemic activities and mechanisms of the active peptides were explored. The results showed that the hydrolysate of hypolipidemic peptides obtained by pepsin hydrolysis for 3 h had good bile salt binding ability. After purification, identification and molecular docking screening, three novel hypolipidemic peptides FLF, IYF and QIF were obtained. FLF, IYF and QIF can interact with the receptor proteins 1LPB and 1F6W through hydrogen bonds, Pi-Pi bonds, hydrophobic interactions and van der Waals forces, thus exerting hypolipidemic activities. Activity studies showed that, compared with the positive controls, FLF, IYF and QIF had excellent sodium taurocholate binding abilities, pancreatic lipase inhibitory activities and cholesterol esterase inhibitory activities. Moreover, FLF, IYF and QIF can effectively inhibit lipogenic differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, reduce intracellular lipid and low-density lipoprotein content and increase high-density lipoprotein content. These results indicated that the three novel hypolipidemic peptides screened in this study had excellent hypolipidemic activities and were expected to be used as natural-derived hypolipidemic active ingredients for the development and application in functional foods.

PubMedSearch : Ye_2023_Food.Res.Int_165_112450
PubMedID: 36869471

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Citations formats

Ye H, Xu Y, Sun Y, Liu B, Chen B, Liu G, Cao Y, Miao J (2023)
Purification, identification and hypolipidemic activities of three novel hypolipidemic peptides from tea protein
Food Res Int 165 :112450

Ye H, Xu Y, Sun Y, Liu B, Chen B, Liu G, Cao Y, Miao J (2023)
Food Res Int 165 :112450