

Title : Green access to chiral Vince lactam in a buffer-free aqueous system using a newly identified substrate-tolerant (-)-gamma-lactamase - Yin_2016_Catal.Sci.Technol_6_6305
Author(s) : Gong Y , Zhang X-Y , Zheng G-W , Xu J-H
Ref : Catal Sci Technol , 6 :6305 , 2016
Abstract :

A novel non-heme chloroperoxidase (SvGL) with promiscuous (-)-gamma-lactamase activity towards Vince lactam was identified from Streptomyces viridochromogenes by genome data-mining. SvGL possesses high activity and excellent thermal stability and enantioselectivity. Furthermore, it is able to tolerate extremely high substrate concentrations (4.0 M, 436.5 g L-1). Using the newly discovered (-)-gamma-lactamase as a biocatalyst, an efficient and environmentally benign process for the production of (+)-gamma-lactam was developed. The process allowed an enantioselective resolution of 436.5 g L-1 racemic gamma-lactam with only 0.2 g L-1 lyophilized cell-free extract, affording an extremely high substrate/catalyst ratio of 2183 (g g-1), a space-time yield of 458 g L-1 d-1, and a very low E factor (environmental factor) of 5.7 (kg waste per kg product) even when the process water is included.

PubMedSearch : Yin_2016_Catal.Sci.Technol_6_6305
Gene_locus related to this paper: strvt-d9xdn2

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Citations formats

Gong Y, Zhang X-Y, Zheng G-W, Xu J-H (2016)
Green access to chiral Vince lactam in a buffer-free aqueous system using a newly identified substrate-tolerant (-)-gamma-lactamase
Catal Sci Technol 6 :6305

Gong Y, Zhang X-Y, Zheng G-W, Xu J-H (2016)
Catal Sci Technol 6 :6305